Tuesday, April 07, 2015

Curiosity And The Cat

Well, spring came to an untimely end at Casa de Cud.

Keith set up a light for my little sprouts last night while I was at work. Everything was going fine until the cat decided to check it out.

By jumping up onto the trays.

Which caused them to fall.

Which resulted in a pile of dirt, random unidentifiable sprouts, and empty 6-packs all over the floor.

Keith said this happened about 5 minutes before I got home.

I think I can save most of the Bloody Butchers. Some of them stayed in their little 6-packs, and I believe the rest of them fell in the same pile of dirt a little apart from the rest of the doomed sprouts.

On the bright side, it's early so there's plenty of time to get more seeds started, and one flat of plants hadn't sprouted yet so they're still safely on the kitchen table, not scattered all over the living room floor. On the dark side, I emptied the seed packets of some of the stuff I planted, so there isn't any of them left to re-plant. Now I just have to go through my notes and my seed packets and see what survived, what I can replant, and what I have to either forget about or buy new seeds so I can try again.

Damn cat.

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