Thursday, April 09, 2015

Oh, By The Way

Tuesday was election day. An especially festive day for everybody here at Casa de Cud. It wasn't just any election, it was the one where justice finally prevailed.

That's right, I'm married to The Man.

The mayor of Foley.

Keith won by a landslide. 28 to 5. There was another candidate who only got 3, and then there were 11 write-ins, but none of them got counted because nobody was registered as a write-in. Turns out, at least in Missouri, you can't just write in whoever you want. If Mickey Mouse and Spider Man don't register as a write-in candidate it doesn't matter how many people vote for them. None of those votes will count unless there isn't anybody actually on the ballot. Then it's all good.

Keith ran for mayor in the last election but didn't win. The former mayor and his minions talked a lot of trash about Keith. There were rumors floating around town about people voting against him that didn't actually live in town. Just because you own property somewhere doesn't give you the right to vote there. At least that's the way it's supposed to work. I don't remember what the score was back then, but even with the possible hanky panky he only lost by 5 or 6 votes.

The funny thing is, this time around the former rivals were on our side. Keith might not even have run again if one of them hadn't stopped him at the gas station and talked him into it.

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