Saturday, September 05, 2015

Justify This

I've been reluctant to wade into the Kim Davis controversy, but I'm tired of people claiming she's the victim.

She's not.

She's the persecutor.

People are on her side because she's refusing to issue marriage licenses to same sex couples, and everybody knows gay sex is icky.

And makes Baby Jesus cry.

But let's back this all up and come at it from another angle.

Suppose instead of working in the county clerk's office she worked in the Department of Motor Vehicles, and instead of converting to some fundamentalist Christian sect she met a nice Amish man. For ten or twenty years she'd handed out driver's licenses and renewed vehicle licenses. She drove cars, owned cars, and probably lost her virginity in a car.

Suddenly driving a car is against her deeply held religious beliefs. She not only refuses to do her job, she forces the other people at the DMV to quit doing their jobs. Nobody gets their license, vehicle registrations grind to a halt, license plates expire left and right.

Justify letting her keep her job.

I'm waiting.

Can't do it, can you?

Because if doing her job is against her deeply held religious beliefs she should quit and get a different job. Simple as that.

Basically what she's doing is forcing everyone in her county to stop going to the church of their choice and join her church instead, whether they want to or not.

That isn't defending Christianity.

That is persecuting members of every other religion. If you were Catholic, Methodist, Lutheran, Baptist, etc., you're not anymore.

You're all members of the Church of Kim Davis now.

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