So, now that you know about my werewolf story let me tell you about some other stories floating around in the old grey-matter.
One is sort of similar to the werewolf story, but instead of werewolves there are witches. It's supernatural and set in a nursing home or retirement villa or some major Geezerville. Sort of Harry Potter with canes and Metamucil. Witches get stronger the older they get, and have to perform magic periodically to discharge some kind of power. When they get really strong if they don't get rid of the energy they end up bursting into flames.
A little known cause of Spontaneous Human Combustion.
Back in the day when they used to burn witches at the stake they didn't actually have to set them on fire, just stake them up until they overloaded and burned up all on their own.
The problem is I don't really have any plot ideas. Just the setting and characters. Which are important, but the characters have to do something. Just the setting and characters is like a picture, add a plot and it's a video.
So far it's just a picture.
Although, I have been toying with the idea that somebody's dog or cat dies and when they get the ashes back from the crematorium one of the witches can tell there are human ashes mixed with the pet's ashes. And the person was MURDERED!!!
Dun dun dun.
This could turn into a regular series, like Harry Potter, or like Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter.
If I can think of more plots.
Another idea is a science fiction story.
This lady is on a space station or space ship or a moon base or something, and keeps having dreams like the one where you're in class and realize you're naked, except in her dream she realizes she's in an air-lock and isn't wearing her spacesuit, or maybe just forgot her helmet.
Or maybe...
She's just back from a space trip but refuses to go outside without a spacesuit because she thinks she's still on the mission to wherever she was going.
Or maybe...
She's still in space but somebody is gas-lighting her into thinking she's back on earth so she will walk out of the air-lock without her spacesuit.
Or who know's, maybe she isn't even really an astronaut, maybe she's just an everyday nut-job that just thinks she's on some kind of special mission to save the world.
The thing is, I don't have any idea what's real and what isn't.
Sometimes you're in charge of the story and sometimes the story's chock full of surprises.
I'll volunteer to be your geezer go-to gal. Questions?