Stupid phone.
Definitely not smart phone, no matter what people say.
Anyway, just in case you didn't know, I'm a ham radio operator. If you don't know anything about ham radio let me give you a crash course. It's sort of like CB radio, but instead of cute handles like Hot Granny or Dr. Sexy you get a call sign. You have to pass a test to get the call sign and you can't transmit unless you have one and trust me, these people check your shit out. There's a web site where you can look up a call sign and see if it's valid or if someone just made it up. I can talk to people in St. Charles or St. Louis, and there is even a way to make phone calls through the radio. Of course, if you do that anybody listening to the repeater you're going through can hear everything you're saying.
Anyway, yesterday Keith decided to put a radio in my car so we can chit chat on my way to work without worrying about my phone not dialing or hanging up or going dead. He spent all day putting in that radio. He had to run wires from the battery to the radio, from the radio to the antenna, actually install the radio and antenna, then check to see if everything's working.
Right at the very end, when he was finished with everything else, he was hooking up the last wire to the battery when the battery terminal snapped off.
I was going to go to work & get a little overtime today but it's hard to drive without a battery. This morning he went to the parts store & got a replacement post to fix it with, so I was able to go in to work today after all.
Overtime was cancelled for today.
That's right, Keith slaved over my car to get it running, I drove all the way to Wentzville, and then...
It wasn't a total loss. I dropped some books off at the library, then I went to the pet store & got some feeder goldfish for my Bicher fish. I even got a half dozen minnows just to give him a little more of a challenge. Goldfish are kind of slow but those minnows dart around like nobody's business.
So, anyway, I didn't get any overtime today, but on the bright side I'm drowning my sorrows with screwdrivers. Yesterday while Keith was putting my radio in I was working in the parlor. Moving boxes around and organizing things. Clean-up day is the end of this month. There's going to be a big dumpster, maybe even two, that everybody in town can stuff with all their shit.
Spring cleaning on steroids.
So, anyway, I started on my boxes of books. I stacked them up nice and neat.
All 22 of them.
Don't worry, they're kind of small boxes. A box full of books doesn't have to be very big to be too heavy to lift.
After I finished with the books I started organizing all Keith's canning jars. I don't know how many he has. 5 or 6 boxes plus some that were loose. Then I started organizing boxes full of kitchen stuff. Mostly bar glasses.
In with all the glasses I found a collection of swizzle sticks. Some of them are cheesy Playboy Bunny swizzle sticks, but some were giraffes with looooong necks. Just like the ones they used to us at Noah's Ark in St. Charles.
Perfect for holding their heads up out of my mixed drinks. Unless Keith makes my drinks, which he has been. He keeps drowning my giraffe. His excuse is he doesn't want to break the giraffe's tiny little legs smacking them against the ice or the side of the glass.
So, instead, my poor little giraffe drowns in a delicious mixture of orange juice and vodka.
Anyway, yesterday Keith decided to put a radio in my car so we can chit chat on my way to work without worrying about my phone not dialing or hanging up or going dead. He spent all day putting in that radio. He had to run wires from the battery to the radio, from the radio to the antenna, actually install the radio and antenna, then check to see if everything's working.
Right at the very end, when he was finished with everything else, he was hooking up the last wire to the battery when the battery terminal snapped off.
I was going to go to work & get a little overtime today but it's hard to drive without a battery. This morning he went to the parts store & got a replacement post to fix it with, so I was able to go in to work today after all.
Overtime was cancelled for today.
That's right, Keith slaved over my car to get it running, I drove all the way to Wentzville, and then...
It wasn't a total loss. I dropped some books off at the library, then I went to the pet store & got some feeder goldfish for my Bicher fish. I even got a half dozen minnows just to give him a little more of a challenge. Goldfish are kind of slow but those minnows dart around like nobody's business.
So, anyway, I didn't get any overtime today, but on the bright side I'm drowning my sorrows with screwdrivers. Yesterday while Keith was putting my radio in I was working in the parlor. Moving boxes around and organizing things. Clean-up day is the end of this month. There's going to be a big dumpster, maybe even two, that everybody in town can stuff with all their shit.
Spring cleaning on steroids.
So, anyway, I started on my boxes of books. I stacked them up nice and neat.
All 22 of them.
Don't worry, they're kind of small boxes. A box full of books doesn't have to be very big to be too heavy to lift.
After I finished with the books I started organizing all Keith's canning jars. I don't know how many he has. 5 or 6 boxes plus some that were loose. Then I started organizing boxes full of kitchen stuff. Mostly bar glasses.
In with all the glasses I found a collection of swizzle sticks. Some of them are cheesy Playboy Bunny swizzle sticks, but some were giraffes with looooong necks. Just like the ones they used to us at Noah's Ark in St. Charles.
Perfect for holding their heads up out of my mixed drinks. Unless Keith makes my drinks, which he has been. He keeps drowning my giraffe. His excuse is he doesn't want to break the giraffe's tiny little legs smacking them against the ice or the side of the glass.
So, instead, my poor little giraffe drowns in a delicious mixture of orange juice and vodka.
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