Monday, May 25, 2015

50 Shades Of Tomatoes

Just in case you were wondering, the garden is looking AWESOME!!!!

Everything's coming up just fine. I planted okra just for the hell of it, and they've all popped up already. The green beans were being lazy little bitches but they finally started sprouting today. Good job green beans! Grow, grow, grow!

The best thing about the garden so far are the tomatoes. There are a couple that are kind of small & stumpy, but most of them are big, bushy, & dark, dark green. So big we already started tying them up.

That's right, I've got a bondage garden.

It's a technique called Florida Weave. Instead of putting one post beside each plant and tying each plant to each post you plant the tomatoes in rows. Put a good sturdy post at each end of the row & then every three or four tomato plants put in another post. Run string along one side of the plants from one post to the next, wrap it around the post, then do the same thing over & over until you get to the end of the row. Go back up the row, running the string on the other side of the plants & wrapping it around the posts again, sort of sandwiching the plants in between the string.

I've never tried this before, but according to the internet it works great, and the internet's never lied to me before.

Well, except for the whole wash your hair with baking soda fiasco.

Other than that...

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